don't mind us. it's the tequila talking.

29 August 2007

beer goggles/girlust: kristen bell

look. i'm a heterosexual female, but i have a severe girl crush on 'veronica mars'' kristen bell. after getting hooked on the show when happening upon season one DVDs earlier this year, i now mourn the show's cancellation and wish i could have partipated in all the campaigns to save the show.

i whisked through both season one and two, and am now impatiently awaiting the arrival of the third and final season from my dear pals at netflix [due in October]. what a great show. so clever, so gripping and damnit is she so cute. sassy. smart. and you can so tell that she's nice in real life too.

thankfully, kristen just announced that she's joining the cast of 'heroes.' having only seen part of one episode before, i just added season one to my netflix queue. so i'm looking forward to the onslaught of kristenlust that will come in the fall when i'm all caught up & following 'heroes' and when she pops up in a slew of movies and tv shows. this should all keep me appropriately occupied until 'veronica mars' season three comes out on DVD. there are rumors that she'll be showin' up on broadway. i'd seriously just die. and then buy tickets.

all of this to say, she's cute as hell. and i just can't decide if i merely want to be her, be best friends with her, OR if i'd totally make out with her. probably the second situation. but i'm not completely disregarding my attraction to her quite yet and being the man-lovin'-female that i am, just sayin' that i'd probably need a drink or two to go through with the latter.

admire all her cuteness for yourself.

[ps. and don't EVEN get me started on logan.]

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